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remainder theorem中文是什么意思

用"remainder theorem"造句"remainder theorem"怎么读"remainder theorem" in a sentence


  • 剩余定理
  • 余式定理
  • 余数定理


  • New public - key traitor tracing schemes using chinese remainder theorem
  • On the chinese remainder theorem
  • Based on a one - dimensional cellular automata and the chinese remainder theorem , a new multi - secret sharing scheme was proposed in this paper
  • T . r . n . rao and chung - huang yang , " aryabhata remainder theorem : relevance to public - key crypto - algorithms , " proc . 2005 symposium on cryptography and information security , kobe , japan , january 2005 , pp . 1111 - 1116
    杨中皇,椭圆曲线密码系统软体实现技术之探讨,资讯安全通讯,第十一卷第一期,页15 ~ 25 , 2005年1月。
  • The chinese remainder theorem technique increases the decryption data rate by a factor of four . two redundant blocks are added to adapt to the online partition of the multiplier and the variation of the length of
  • Using a multiplexer - based method , the datapath of the multiplier is reconfigurable to perform either one 1024 - bit - multiplication or two 512 - bit multiplications in parallel . the chinese remainder theorem increases the decryption data rate by a factor of 3 . 8
  • Asymmetric - key cryptography , which we will discuss in chapter 10 , is based on some topics in number theory , including theories related to primes , factorization of composites into primes , modular exponentiation and logarithm , quadratic residues , and the chinese remainder theorem
  • If the sharing secret algorithm based on chinese remainder theorem is expanded by database watermark , full watermark information can not only be recovered only with a part of watermark , but also the data for watermark can be reduced , moreover the performance can be improved significantly
  • The author mainly realized the method of generating the large random numbers and judging the prime number using lehmann means , then three pairs of secure key with different lengths ( 256 bits , 512 bits , 1024 bits ) was generated to meet the demand of different security grade . in encryption module , modular multiplication arithmetic of large number was realized adopting addition chaining . in decryption module , extended euclid was used to get inverse , and the chinese remainder theorem was used to realize decryption , which increased the speed of decryption greatly
    作者主要实现了大随机数的生成、采用整除小素数和勒曼测试法判定素数,可以生成三种不同长度的密钥对( 256位、 512位、 1024位)来满足不同的加密安全等级的需求;加密模块中,选用了二进制序列的乘法方法,实现了大数模幂乘运算;解密模块中,引用了扩展的欧几里德法求逆元,并采用中国剩余定理实现解密过程,大大提高了解密速度。
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